Collective Worship

We hold a daily assembly which is broadly Christian in character and comprises of a song or hymn, a prayer or a period of contemplation, and a Bible (or other relevant) story, or some other focus which serves to illustrate a facet of the values we are trying to promote. These may be conducted by the Headteacher, a member of staff, the children or sometimes a visiting speaker.

On alternate Fridays at 2.30pm we have a whole school celebration assembly in the Village Memorial Hall, to share and celebrate the week. Parents and friends have an open invitation to join us for this, and see their children show their work.

We have assemblies at St John’s church throughout the year at the major Christian festivals and also a worship once a term in the morning to recognise seasons such as Lent and Whitsun.


Our Collective Worship time table is as follows:

Monday: Class-based worship

Tuesday: Whole School Collective worship in the Memorial Hall

Wednesday: Key Stage Worship with Reverend Pitt or Mr Burnett

Thursday: Class-based worship

Friday: Whole School Celebration Assembly in the Memorial Hall / Class reflection