We value all our learners at Farrington Gurney Primary School.

We acknowledge that sometimes children need a different curriculum or approach to meet their needs and help them achieve their potential.

We provide this through both our day to day teaching strategies, and the additional support we give our learners.

For those children who have a specific educational need we establish and individual programme of work in consultation with the parents and child. Children with Special Educational Needs will have a Single Support Plan (SSP) which is reviewed termly. They are given small targets and goals to achieve, and are supported in achieving these through a partnership of teachers, teaching assistants, parents, Mrs Geeson cgeeson@farringtongurneyschool.co.uk , our SENCO (Special educational needs co-ordinator), and outside agencies where necessary.

Outside agencies and or trained staff often work with an individual or small group to support the work already going on in the school. We welcome the outside agencies and their input into helping us to help your child learn best. 


Please find our Local Offer here.

SEN Policy: here

SEN Report to Governors: here