The School Day

The school gate opens at 8.35am and closes at 8:45am, with all children arriving between these times. Children arriving after 8:45am should report to the office. 

The classes all have a 15 minute break mid-morning and then work in class until 12:00pm.

Lunchtime is from 12:00pm to 1:00pm and allows time for children to eat their lunch and spend time playing in the playground or the field.

Afternoon sessions run from 1:00pm to 3:15pm, with assembly usually at the beginning or end of the afternoon.

The school is therefore open for 32.5 hours a week for all pupils, aside from breakfast club and after-school clubs.

At 3:15pm all children (unless they are attending school clubs) are brought out onto the playground and handed back to their parents/carers. 


Please see here a document detailing the hours spent at school.